Bouquet Blooming Harmony - chrysanthemums and wax flower

Introducing our charming bouquet "Blooming Harmony". This exquisite composition consists of three beautiful chrysanthemums of different colors, complemented by the delicate elegance of a wax flower, all carefully wrapped in decorative paper.


"Blooming Harmony" is a celebration of nature's rich palette, the colors of which can vary, creating a unique and vibrant bouquet each time. The mix of shades of chrysanthemum symbolizes harmony and unity, making it the perfect choice to express warm wishes, celebrate special moments or simply brighten someone's day.


With "Blooming Harmony" you can convey your feelings in a truly harmonious way. Order now and give a symphony of natural colors to your loved ones in Liepāja.

Item code: PD111
29.79 euro_symbol
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